Researchers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) have discovered a high-speed jet stream sitting over Jupiter’s equator, above the main cloud decks. At a wavelength of 2.12 microns, which observes between altitudes of about 12-21 miles (20-35 kilometers) above Jupiter’s cloud tops, researchers spotted several wind shears, or areas where wind speeds…
Drought imperils carbon sequestration in European forests
A forest in Les Landes, southwestern France. Credit: Shutterstock Forests play a critical part in mitigating climate change due to their ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. However, many European forests removed less CO2 from the atmosphere during the extremely hot and dry summer of 2022, according to a new European study. The findings…
International team reveals source of largest ever marsquake recorded
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A global team of scientists have announced the results of an unprecedented collaboration to search for the source of the largest ever seismic event recorded on Mars. The study, led by the University of Oxford, rules out a meteorite impact, suggesting instead that the quake was the result of enormous tectonic…
Protostars can siphon material from far away, says study
This artist’s conception shows a newly formed protostar surrounded by a swirling protoplanetary disk of dust and gas. Credit: University of Copenhagen/Lars Buchhave When stars are born, they do it inside a molecular cloud. Astronomers long assumed that the “crèche” supplied all the nutrients that protostars needed to form. However, it turns out they get…
Decontamination method zaps pollutants from soil
Concept of the high-temperature electrothermal process (HET) for soil remediation. a Schematic of the HET process, combined with vacuum extraction well. The vacuum piping and insulation blanket remain standard to known thermal remediation methods, but in the case of HET, the electrodes provide a rapid voltage pulse for electric heating, rather than long-duration heat injection….
Hypervelocity impact experiments probe the origin of organics on the dwarf planet Ceres
Side view of the ejecta curtain created during a hypervelocity impact experiment at the NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range. The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of impacts on Ceres’ organics. Credit: NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory One of the most exciting findings from NASA’s Dawn mission is that Ceres, the…
Study inspects large-scale turbulence in the galaxy NGC 6946
The turbulent velocity power spectrum of NGC 6946 as a function of baseline. Credit: arXiv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2310.02661 Indian astronomers have conducted a study aimed at investigating a large-scale turbulence in the interstellar medium of a spiral galaxy known as NGC 6946. Results of the study, published October 4 on the pre-print server arXiv, could…
Even temporary global warming above 2℃ will affect life in the oceans for centuries, new study finds
Credit: Shutterstock There is growing consensus that our planet is likely to pass the 1.5℃ warming threshold. Research even suggests global warming will temporarily exceed the 2℃ threshold, if atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) peaks at levels beyond what was anticipated. Exceeding our emissions targets is known as a climate overshoot. It may lead to changes…
Over 40% of Antarctica's ice shelves reduced in volume over 25 years, scientists say
The graphic shows the water temperatures around the Antarctic. On the western side of Antarctica, water temperature at the sea floor is approaching 2 degrees C—and that is warm enough to melt the ice that is flowing on top of it. Sea temperatures on the eastern flank are colder. Credit: Dr Benjamin Davison, University of…
Study shows live plant pathogens can travel on dust across oceans
Variable spore map where colors depict F. oxy spore concentration in soil [spores g−1]. The map was built using the web map of global F. oxy distribution as a foundation (Calderón et al 2022). We calculated an F. oxy survey effort ratio which reduces the geographical biases that the web map inevitably shows. This ratio…